Multiple sclerosis diagnosis

Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis: What Are the Most Common Symptoms of MS?

In Blog by doralneuro

Multiple sclerosis is an often disabling disease that affects the central nervous system. If you or a loved one recently received a multiple sclerosis diagnosis or think you might have the disease, it’s critical to learn about it and its symptoms so that you can understand what to expect.

Here’s a quick overview of what MS is and how its symptoms can affect you. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the outer covering of the nerves, known as the myelin sheath, the deterioration of which can lead to lasting, debilitating nerve damage.

The symptoms of MS vary widely, depending on the severity and progression of the disease. For instance, some people with severe multiple sclerosis can lose their ability to move independently while others may go for long periods of remission where they see no new symptoms.

While there is no cure for MS, treatment during and after relapse can help speed recovery.

Multiple Sclerosis Movement Symptoms: Common Signs of MS to Look Out For

As mentioned above, the symptoms of MS vary from person to person because of differences in the progression and severity of the disease. Because multiple sclerosis affects the nerves, some of the symptoms affect how well you can move. Symptoms of MS that affect movement include the following:

  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body, usually in the limbs
  • Trembling or lack of coordination
  • Unsteady movement
  • Sensations of “electric shock” during and after certain movements, such as bending the head and neck forward

If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to a doctor.

Vision Symptoms

While movement symptoms are common, they are not the only ones to know. Multiple sclerosis can also affect the nerves of the eyes, leading to trouble seeing or complete loss of vision. The vision symptoms of MS include the following:

  • Double vision that lasts for an extended amount of time
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of sight, most often only in one eye at a time, and pain when the eyes move

When multiple sclerosis affects the eyes, visit a doctor as soon as possible to learn of a multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

Other Symptoms

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis can also include the following:

  • Dizzy spells
  • Tingling in different areas of the body
  • Problems with certain bodily functions, including bowel, bladder, and sexual function
  • Slurred speech
  • Fatigue

It’s critical to seek the advice of a doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms for unexplained reasons. If you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis already, seek treatment.

Need Second Opinion for Your Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis or Help with Treatment?

Multiple sclerosis can present symptoms gradually or suddenly. Without the proper treatment, complications can arise, including muscle stiffness, paralysis, and changes in mental function. At Doral Neurological Services, we provide empathetic, knowledgeable multiple sclerosis diagnosis and treatment services. Contact us today by calling 786-452-1067 or by visiting the contact page of our website.

Get in touch with us today. We’ll work with you to provide you with the care you need.